• About


    Sabrina Basquez, MSW, LCSW is a therapist and consultant specializing in burnout, secondary/vicarious trauma/compassion fatigue, trauma-sensitive mindfulness, self-compassion and somatic and attachment focused EMDR.

    After a decade of working with vulnerable populations Sabrina personally experienced burnout and secondary traumatic stress. In the final year of her master’s degree, she lost her best friend, in part due to burnout. Over the years Sabrina has observed the personal suffering of countless caring professionals as they over-dedicated themselves, to often noble work, without realizing the damage they were doing to themselves or their professional efficacy.

    These experiences reinforced within Sabrina a passion to collaborate with other professionals in high demand careers to learn to self-manage burnout, secondary traumatic stress, and workplace bullying through healing old and recent traumas using somatic EMDR and cultivating self-compassion so that boundaries and self-care come more naturally and don’t feel so forced or so much like another chore.